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Difference Between Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is the procurement of computing assets from a cloud computing provider or facility to host records, offerings and/or solutions.
Cloud web hosting is an Infrastructure as a carrier (IaaS) cloud delivery model that provides a suite of remote/digital services. these are brought on an on-demand foundation and hosted on top of a cloud computing infrastructure.


  • Custom Infrastructure – clients will include custom specification, firewalls, load leveling and information science preparation.
  • Your Business will get power with more resources
  • High Availability – if a physical server fails, cloud servers are migrated to another physical server without experiencing an outage.
  • Burstable Computing Resources – no concern about lagging RAM or CPU power, even if another cloud customer’s load grows.
  • Completely secure since you virtually have your own server.If a client’s on the shared cloud gets hacked or gets a plague, your cloud server are going to be fully separated with no risk to your data.
  • Each clients on the cloud will choose their specific operating system.
  • Unlimited storage as it is based on SAN storage.


  • Technical issues and possible downtime – Though it’s true that data and information kept within the cloud which can be accessed anytime and anyplace, it should be noted that technology is commonly subjected to outages and also other technical issues
  • Serious Security Risk – Since you surrender your sensitive information to a cloud service provider, you may be putting your company at a significant security risk
  • Prone to Attacks – Nothing within the internet is totally secure and storing all your information on a cloud puts your company in danger and prone to hacking attacks;
  • Lesser Services – Before you create a leap, confirm that your cloud hosting provides the same services offered by the traditional hosts.

VPS Hosting

A virtual private server or VPS, also known as a virtual dedicated server (VDS), is a virtual server that appears to the user as a dedicated server, however that’s actually installed on a System serving multiple websites. a single System will have many VPSs, each one with its own operating system (OS) that runs the hosting software for a particular user.


  • Privacy: One has privacy in VPS hosting as the OS isn’t shared with anyone else, there are no other websites on the server that has the provision to access the files of the user.
  • Customization: In VPS hosting as the server segmentation is isolated and the data is Saved in one centralized location, one will customise and configure the setting specifically however they require.
  • Control: whereas restarting a system during installation of server applications, the VPS server doesn’t have an effect on others and can be restarted at any time.
  • Dedicated Resources: On a VPS Server, there’s a dedicated quantity of RAM available at any time to be used .


  • In a VPS hosting when any physical server fails all the other VPSs on that even server also fails.
  • In VPS hosting storage is based on physical server limitations. Once the client reach the maximum VPS capacity, he must get more space or must search for another choice.
  • In VPS hosting if the traffic suddenly goes down the client must pay additionally for the space which is not been used .
  • VPS is not scalable which means one cannot add more resources to the server like RAM, processors for data backup etc.
  • VPS hosting is not flexible because the resources are not spread across multiple machines.
  • It’s not suitable for businesses wherever there is unpredictable traffic.


Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting both have its own Pros and Cons. So, You can Compare both and select the best one for yourself.

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